Idaho State Counties
Custer: County health rankings

County Health Rankings come from the Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health Project, a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute. 
The rankings are comprised of two overarching categories: Health Outcomes and Health Factors. Rankings show each county’s comparative position within the state: the county receiving number 1 is regarded the healthiest in the state.
The Health Outcomes ranking measures how healthy a community is. This ranking is composed of 5 indicators in 2 divisions: Length of Life (e.g., premature death) and Quality of Life (e.g., poor physical health days). Custer has a health outcomes ranking of 18.

The Health Factors ranking measures things that shape a community’s health outcomes. This ranking is composed of 30 indicators in 4 divisions: Health Behavior (e.g., adult smoking), Clinical Care (e.g., uninsured adults), Social & Economic Factors (e.g., unemployment), and Physical Environment (e.g., air pollution). Custer has a health factors ranking of 17.

Indicators Idaho only provides data for the 2 overall rankings and 6 sub-rankings. Please visit the County Health Rankings website to view the rest of data, compare counties, generate state maps and rankings, and download data. The County Health Rankings website also provides a detailed description of how the rankings were produced.

County Health Rankings do not provide data at the state level. 

County Health Rankings

Health Outcomes18
Health Factors17
Length of Life18
Quality of Life18
Health Behaviors19
Clinical Care30
Social & Economic Factors20
Physical Environment1

Note: The County Health Rankings website ( makes some changes to their ranking indicators each year. Please visit their website to investigate previous years' rankings.

Source: 2011-2022: County Health Rankings, (; DATE LAST UPDATED: July 11, 2022.

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