Idaho State Counties
Fremont: Wage per job

Wage per job refers to the average annual wage or salary per job, in other words, total compensation divided by the number of filled jobs. Here, we provide information on the real wage per job, which means the data have been adjusted for inflation.

The real wage per job in 2022 in Fremont . . .

  • was $40,072, compared to $37,755 a decade earlier;
  • decreased 2.7 percent between 2020 and 2021;
  • ranked 38th – from highest to lowest – out of the 44 counties.

To get the most out of this indicator . . .


Ask questions:


·         Is the average local wage per job above or below state and national averages?

·         How do average local wages compare to those in surrounding counties?

·         Is the average local wage per job increasing or decreasing?


Look at other indicators:


·         “Employment: Employment by industry” – Do industries with the most local jobs typically provide high or low wages?

·         “Housing: Housing affordability” – Do local wages provide enough income to afford local housing?


Dig deeper:


·         Look at the county rankings for your state and/or view maps to see how your county compares to others.

·         Download data for your county or state to see the average wage per job from year to year.

·         Use the Local Area Personal Income website from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis to see the average wage per job for each industry type (construction vs. manufacturing, for example).  See Table CA34:

·         Take a Big Picture view of your county.

·         If you have specific questions, send us an e-mail.

Note: QCEW wages data represent the total compensation paid which includes bonuses, stock options, severance pay, the cash value of meals and lodging, tips, and other gratuities. For more information about the data please see: ( The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of inflation. Here we adjusted dollar values by the CPI-U, which is the most commonly used CPI. Using the CPI to put dollar values in “real” terms makes it easier to see “inflation-free” change over time. Our base year is 2022, which means all dollar values are in terms of 2022 dollars. For more information, see (

Source: 2006-2021: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), (; DATE LAST UPDATED: July 10, 2022; CPI updated February 23, 2022.

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