Idaho State Counties
Owyhee: Number of jobs

The number of jobs includes private and public, full-time and part-time, and self-employment as well as wage and salary employment.

In Owyhee, the number of jobs . . .

  • was 5,164 in 2021, compared to 4,903 a year earlier.

  • increased by 26 percent in the 1970s, decreased by 9 percent in the 1980s, increased by 26 percent in the 1990s, increased by 5 percent in the 2000s, and increased by 16 between 2010 and 2020.

  • ranked 30th – from most to least – among the 44 counties in 2021.

To get the most out of this indicator . . .


Ask questions:


·         Is the total number of jobs increasing or decreasing?

·         How many jobs have been gained or lost in the last year?

·         How does local job growth compare to state or national job growth?


Look at other indicators:


·         “Population: Population” – If your local population is growing, is the number of jobs also growing?

·         “Employment: Employment by industry” – Which industries are experiencing the most job growth?

·         “Employment: Wage per job” – Do local jobs provide above-average wages?

·         “County types: County economic base codes” – What is your county’s primary economic activity, a.k.a. economic base?


Dig deeper:


·         Look at the county rankings for your state and/or view maps to see how your county compares to others.

·         Download data for your county or state to see the total number of jobs from year to year.

·         Take a Big Picture view of your county.

·         If you have specific questions, send us an e-mail.

Source: 1969-2021: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Data, GDP and Personal Income, Table CAEMP25N, (; DATE LAST UPDATED: December 13, 2022.

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